AITA for anonymously sending my cousins husband pics of my boobs from a burner phone


I looked at your post in confessions and read what people said there. I also read all these comments. Your cousin is abusive. Your family sucks ass for not standing up for you. In all fairness, if her husband gets this excited over a stranger sending nudes, he 100% will cheat on her anyways. If that brings you any solace to know, you don’t have to be the one putting yourself in danger over it. This will come naturally. They have a very bad relationship that won’t last two years tops. You don’t have to be the one to topple it, since it’ll happen anyways. You need to stay safe. Cut your entire part of that family off. Block them, everything. I get it’s hard but that’s the best I can think of.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread