AITA for asking my husband to pay 100% of our expenses if I extend my maternity leave?

Nope. He doesn't owe me anything.

It's worked for us because of how much our housing, living, and job situations have changed in the 4 years we've lived together. We never committed to each contributing X amount or a percentage of our incomes to a joint account since my husband and I have had a series of jobs with varying incomes. There were other factors such as he owned the house I moved into and then we lived rent free on a family property after we moved cities. We have more stability housing wise now and likely job wise in a few months so I'm sure we'll revisit the issue once we get a better sense of how much our expenses are, how much we each bring in, etc.

Our plan was always to do his, mine, and ours accounts, chequing and savings, but life just threw us a bunch of curveballs that's we've had to adapt to.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent