AITA for asking my wife to stop cooking Russian food?

I dont understand how, emphasis, choosing trad roles means that they have to operate the exact same way as (what is probably) a cultural stereotype "you chose to marry a Russian". What? I suppose everyone from Finland is to prepare fermented fish in a sauna now?

"Honey, since you do all the cooking, can you mix it up a bit?" Isnt a totally unreasonable request imho, though the way op approached the situation may have insulated that she either cant cook well or that her culture is 'undesirable' on some axis. The issue, probably, is just a commination one.

>YTA. I get you guys have chosen traditional roles, so I'm not gonna drag you kicking and screaming into 2022.

This reeks of a pretentious faux superiority that i come to expect on this god-forsaken shit hole of a website, but for the love of god you make it sound like he clubbed her over the head like a caveman.

"You can't have all the modern conveniences of the patriarchy and none of the drawbacks of the 50's where the women actually ruled the roost and made many of the rules at home :)"

Wtf? Go outside.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent