AITA for being upset at my friend for missing my party?

There is more to it than it just being a party, and it's not only about the fact that he can't make it. I don't expect to be the most important thing all the time to everyone, I just expected a little more consideration by my best friend on my bday.

After I continuously got dumped for other women and had my self esteem hit rock bottom, him and other friends told me that I need to realize I'm important too and to find happiness in being surrounded by them. So I was hurt by to see that when it actually came down to it, the person who was preaching how special I am also picked someone else over me and wouldn't even consider telling her about the situation. I'd really not be upset if he had at least asked her if Sat could work and keep the Fri date if she said no (given that they just made plans and it's a week's notice).

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent