AITA For buying my gf a plane ticket with a layover?

That’s fine and all that she’s been paying all that way, but you’re also not considering the fact that he’s financially struggling.

This is just a bad time for someone who isn’t working with a lot of money, so I guess according to most people who think he’s an a-hole, he should put himself in the hole for her happiness because let’s say he’s possibly also paying for activities they would be participating in together for their trip. I guess if he has no money left to do anything after that, by the logic you’ve presented, he would be an a-hole then too because then she would probably get mad at him too for that.

This leaves him at a no-win situation. I guess people are supposed to do whatever their SO demands even if it breaks them and they have no money left to even survive on.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent