AITA for calling a classmate that i had a crush on, a "slut" behind her back at a party?

They didn't tell her for her benefit. I didn't add it in, but I would have liked it had someone confronted me about it and said "look 2guys, you said this about her and that ain't on, whats your deal?".

Also, I don't have any chances with her, and I don't care, she can see whoever she wants and I won't hold that against her. I'd like her to be happy. Who wouldn't?

My behaviour was assholish and I wish I hadn't done it, but I can't take it back. I never should have been friends with these people clearly, because of the effect they tried to have on my life, and for the worst.

It obviously doesn't matter to many of the people here, because they seem to want to just shit on others.

What's the purpose of this sub?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent