AITA for calling my boyfriends parents racist?

OP ... i hope this doesn’t get buried, but i would strongly reconsider your relationship right now. Think about it. your boyfriends parents are calling you the n-word and all your boyfriend can muster up is “quit calling her that” ?! Think about what that means about the type of person your boyfriend is. All i can say is that i would be enraged even hearing a random person get called the n-word... I can’t even imagine how i’d feel if it was someone i loved and cared about that was being called that. and if i knew that kind of racism was coming from my own family? honestly, i don’t know if i would keep in contact with those people. your boyfriend is being complacent in allowing you to be treated like this. and that is not the kind of behavior i’d expect from a loving , caring partner.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent