AITA for cancelling my wedding because fiancee almost got my dog killed?

YTA. My boyfriend and i have a dog we love to death. Part of us loving that pup is that we let her roam around while we have a good time. The absolute only time she doesnt get to roam around is when we are vacuuming because it really makes her nervous. Once i made gumbo and we were eating it and drinking beer. My boyfriend checks his phone and there's a pokemon a block away! We rush out the door, catch it, only to come back to our dog having had gourged itself on both of our bowls of gumbo. I used a ton of garlic and onion so we call the vet right away. She was fine but the point is, we learned that our dog is a table surfer. We then both took the time over 6 months to learn the habit of never leaving the food out. My point is, she made a mistake. Dogs do things that we do not expect them to do at all. She probably thought she was being nice by letting the dog run around with them. And youre the asshole for making her feel even worse for a pure mistake. Ive literally known couples where one of the people have actually gotten their dog killed and the other didnt blame them for a second.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread