AITA For dropping my best friend?

long complaint but deleted it right as I saw the message, I confronted her about this she said she deleted cause she didn't want to fight Sounds like yall have communications issues if she really feels like she can't talk honestly with you.

The way she dances around the issue and being vague seems VERY manipulative and immature. If she truly cared for this friendship why won't she tell you what's wrong so you can try and fix it? She most certainly does not seem like a good or caring friend, she merely seems concerned about herself and is upset that you arnt' feeding her the attention she craves. Also the way she isn't respecting you wanting space after that bs is a shitty thing to do...Over all I'd really suggest you reevaluate your relationship to her. There are a lot of red flags just based off what you wrote here..Good luck Op

NTA btw

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread