AITA for forcing my son to talk to the police?

Seems like you're leaning hard against this "he did it so im right". That's some serious moral grandstanding bullshit. You're ignoring that you sold your kid out for a broken window. You assumed he did it based on a "feeling" . Regardless of if you were right you chose to be against him without any evidence. While what you did wasn't illegal it was morally bankrupt. Don't get legality and morality confused.

You can count on your kid never trusting you again. Be ready for when they stop coming around once they're an adult. No more birthday calls and you can forget being an involved grandparent (should they decide to have children).

Just for future reference should something like this ever happen again, DO NOT TALK TO COPS EVER. Get a lawyer not because you want him to get way with it but because you don't want him to be swept up in a system that will guarantee he lives a much more difficult life. Just because you lucked out this time doesn't mean every encounter is normally like this. A lawyer makes sure your kid gets probation rather than juvie It's a broken window he didn't rob a gas station or murder someone or get busted selling drugs. Get a grip.

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