AITA for getting annoyed with parents who drive their kids to affluent neighbors on Halloween?

YTA. As a child my single Mom used to take my older brother and me to the wealthiest area of the city to trick or treat because the subsidized apt complex we lived in did not allow it.

I called her just now, read her your post and her response was “Wow. To be honest it never occurred to me I was doing something wrong, I felt nothing but gratitude for the people who could give my kids something I couldn’t.”

She went on to explain that because we were so poor she would try and create experiences we wouldn’t forget because she couldn’t afford to give us everything we wanted. I will add for myself that I can remembered being in absolute awe of the “rich people” and elated at the amazing treats we would receive - things our Mom could never justify any time of the year.

So yeah, YTA, and unfortunately you’re potentially some little kids hero for making their fucking year. Be that kids hero, it’s a better look.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread