AITA for getting mad at a disabled kid and his mom for hurting my child?

NTA but this is weird because years ago I worked in a children's play factory and this EXACT thing happened. An autistic boy was walking over kids inside the netting and another parent just started screaming at him to stop. The boy had absolutely no awareness of what he was doing (he was walking over them but not violently) and an argument broke out between parents. I have to say I was on the side of the autistic boy's family- they were apologetic and very upset by what happened. The other parents were screaming at me for letting an autistic boy into the play area saying that he should go to a 'disabled play area'. The boy was now crying and covering his ears. None of the kids were hurt and the distress placed on the family of the boy was awful.

I felt that the other family could have been a little more understanding and show a little awareness especially as none of their kids were hurt or even upset by the incident.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread