AITA for getting mad because my girlfriend kept saying I looked like a nazi?

It's too late, none of those words have all been abused into uselessness. I recently had someone delete a comment, then argue at me that it didn't say what it had actually said and then accuse me of gaslighting. After blocking/unblocking me several times in succession they left a wall of text that my "maybe you should reconsider a few things" comment was actually exactly the same as speculating about mental health which was sociopathic and also I was a projecting narcissist because I had used the word 'I' x amount of times throughout my entire comment history. There was also something about boundaries before they disappeared because of 'negative energy'. (My point- any therapy type word has become code for ' this made me feel bad' but really I just wanted to tell that story)

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent