AITA for getting upset that boyfriend went to a strip club and lied about it?


People lie, its a part of life. Sure you should avoid lying to your partner but shit happens.

He didnt cheat on you, he got a lap dance at a strip club. He felt torn between wanting to bond with new friends/coworkers and not upsetting you. So he did what logical made sense to him: go and lie to you so he can appease both sides hoping you never found out. Sure its shitty but its not the end of the world.

You really gonna break up with someone because they got a lap dance? If so just do it already rather then being angry about it all the time with him.

Humans lie, you cant let that fact bother you so much. Even mr right gonna lie. Shit im sure you have even lied to him. No ones perfect.

Forgive him and move on Or break up with him.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread