What is the strangest thing you've seen that you cannot explain?

I'm not superstitious. If this hadn't happened to me first hand, I would definitely dismiss it as made up nonsense.

My mom had made a friend that invited us over for dinner. It was myself at 10 or 11, my parents, the other parents, and the kid about a year younger than me. After dinner, the mom asks us if we want to play with the Ouija board. I had never played before.

The kid gets the board and we start with the "Do we have a spirit?" stuff. We get someone and are asking it basic stuff.

My dad comes in the room and sits down. He suggests we try to talk to my grandpa, his dad, who had died a couple years earlier. The spirit tells us they got him.

So we start asking my grandpa some basic stuff. What's your full name (which I knew), what's your DOB (which I didn't know), and what was your last address (which I did know). All answered correctly.

To paint the scene a little, myself and the other kid are sitting on the floor with our hands touching the pointer thing. My dad is seated in a chair nearby, out of range of the board entirely. We had both just met this other kid, so it's not like she would have known specific detailed info about my grandpa. And while my dad had told me some things about my grandpa, it was never anything ridiculously specific.

My dad then started suggesting more detailed questions.
"What camera did you use for my high school graduation in 1968?" No way I knew this. I learned afterwards that my grandpa was a big tech buff and obsessed about his equipment. Answered correctly.

"Who were our neighbors at [address from early 60s]?"
Again no way I knew this. Answered correctly.

"What was the name of your character in [movie from the 30s]?"
Didn't know my grandpa was in a movie. Answered correctly.

This went on for several minutes with about a dozen questions, all answered correctly. All things that I didn't know and this other kid couldn't possibly have know. My dad was in tears.

I have no reasonable way to explain this event and don't normally tell people about it because it makes me sound crazy.

/r/AskReddit Thread