AITA for ignoring my sister's "modern" list of names and calling my daughter what I want?

What, she can’t do a FaceTime therapy session? She doesn’t even need to go anywhere. NTA. She needs to accept help at the very least. Having mental issues isn’t an excuse to be awful to people and potentially a danger to them when you won’t even accept help offered. If she’s considered competent enough to not have a guardian then she’s competent enough to make the decision to either get help or get kicked out.

And I get having anxiety and how it can be very hard (for no valid reason at all even) to start that first step to seeing a therapist. I had to have a friend come over and go over options and help with the call and if I needed to she probably would have helped me my first visit. Thankfully my anxiety is related to deciding one someone and making the appt. There’s nothing wrong with needing help in getting help. But shutting down getting help because of anxiety isn’t an excuse.

Where there’s a will and support (which it sounds like she has) there’s a way.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent