AITA for saying I don't remember how long I've been married?

NTA Heh of course you remember how long you have been married!

Side note: My husband and I have joint phone calendars. Together we entered every important date and what are our expectations for those dates. Like: “Valentines Day - card and flowers for Ocean.” “Anniversary - Oceans husband to book fancy restaurant.” “Ocean’s birthday- card, cake, sparkly present.” Sometimes we do more. For our 10 year anniversary I booked us a weekend vacay and my husband surprised me with jewellery. Neither of these were in the calendar. But by God the years that he either didn’t do the calendar or only did part of the calendar - those years were not worth the pain of the special kind of hell that only a wife can give her husband.

I mention this because perhaps this incident could be the catalyst for an honest conversation between you and your husband. Perhaps something similar might work for you both as well?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread