AITA for leaving a family gathering because my family made me sit at the kid table?

OP got a flurry of texts because everyone else was being an asshole too.

There's an expression about this.

And retracting something you made is petty, which is why it's perfect.

lol, you aren't even answering if it's an asshole thing to do at this point. You're just saying you like it.

Also, it did sour when the aunt stated that, which is why the father took OP's side.

He also got texts from his Dad saying to come back. It's preposterous to act like OP leaving didn't disrupt things.

This is r/AmItheAsshole not r/pettyrevenge

You can have plenty of fun getting petty revenge against people, and it can feel good like you're meting out justice. But feeling good about it doesn't mean you're not an asshole.

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