AITA for letting my picky eater child go hungry?

NAH. I've never posted here before, but the reason I am now is because this is fairly personal for me. I was this kid growing up, apparently as a baby I was pretty fine for an Easter, but as I became a toddler, I just stopped eating everything except for the most specific of foods. My parents tried the same exact thing you are doing, except it didn't work.

They would have me sit at the dinner table until I ate my dinner, I'd sit there for hours leaving food untouched until it was time for bed. I would refuse, no matter how long since my last meal. I started scrounging the house for food, if sneak out of my room in the middle of the night, and eat whatever I could fine. Eventually when I ate the peanut butter off of a mouse trap my parents stopped this method, and they would make me special food specifically for me. It was the most simple things you could think of, plain buttered noodles and peanut butter sandwiches pretty much exclusively.

I grew up with this problem, and I've had a huge issue breaking this. Its affected my life in such a drastic way. Turns out I had sensory processing disorder and it was never dealt with. It doesn't have to be autism, it can be just that. I'm well into my 20's and I still eat like I'm 10. I've been trying to break it my entire life. My point being in all this long winded backstory is, it might just be a toddler being a toddler, or it could be a serious underlying issue. If it keeps up, I'd urge you to take your child to food therapy and see if sensory processing disorder is what this is. It's easily broken as a child, not so much as an adult.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread