AITA for letting my fiancee upstage my ex?

You sound kind of angry, and it’s coming across in the way you’re speaking to me. It’s unnecessarily hostile and confrontational.

That's your opinion, man. It's not a fact. In my opinion, you're coming across very condescending.

Based on the way the OP was worded, it’s heavily implied that the fiancé was the sole provider of the gift, hence his ex-wife‘s reaction. I’m completely OK with making the assumption that the gifts were from her alone.

And yet you were incorrect in every way. She didn't pay for them, and it wasn't only her name on them. You could've easily found that out on your own, yet you decided by choice to remain ignorant and just assume instead.

I'm not sure why you're maintaining that's the proper way to respond, but that's your choice. Most people on these kinds of subs are fully aware that all the information won't be present in the OP. That's why there are so many comments saying 'Info -' followed by a question.

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