AITA for not accepting the "Friend Zone" and lashing out after coming to my senses and realizing I've been an ass to myself for letting myself be lead on? (Long Rant)

Dude. I only managed to read the first paragraph before I gave up.

She might be a hellacious bitch-beast, or she might be the female reincarnation of Mr Rogers. I don't know because I didn't read the rest of your essay, and I didn't read the rest because it really doesn't matter.

The problem here is you. If there's someone you don't like, don't associate with them. If there's someone who seems like an attention whore, don't give them attention.

You're lost in your own hang-ups, and the responsibility for them lands squarely on yourself. You need to think more about what kind of person you are, and worry less about what kind of person she (or anyone else) is.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent