AITA for not buying my SO gifts after we decided to not buy gifts?

You’re assuming quite a lot. We still celebrate Christmas. We have a treee, made gingerbread houses, we’re going to her family’s for Christmas (and bought her nephews gifts as well). I’m not against celebrating Christmas, I’m only against the “feel obligated to spend money on people around you because if you don’t it means you don’t care about them.”

The true meaning of Christmas has, and always will be, to spend time with the people you love. At least for me. We’re doing that, and I hope we will continue to. My time is the gift (as is hers to me), I don’t like feeling obligated to spend money on people, specifically after seeing my mom in tears growing up when she couldnt afford gifts for me and my siblings.

I watched my SO scramble to get gifts for people she hasn’t talked to since last Christmas. Hundreds of dollars wasted in my opinion. She says that’s what she’s supposed to do. I just don’t think that pressure is fair, and it HAS been created and thrust upon her by commercialism and marketing. I think it’s a bit sickening.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent