AITA for not inviting them to my Christmas party after they didn't invite me to their wedding?

ESH -- You're all being petty about not getting invited to things, and if y'all want to resume friendship, someone's going to have to be the first person mature enough to just have a direct conversation about it. That should have been you btw. Instead of, "Well, I'm going to uninvite you right back!" as a reaction, when they'd been back from their honeymoon a month more, it should have been, "Hey, we didn't get an invite; did we offend you? We really treasure your friendship and feel like we did something wrong." You're past that point, and now that they're missing out on something, they're being just as petty as you were. Everyone's behaving like entitled, passive-aggressive children here. Their wedding is their business, and your house parties are yours. Supportive friends respect each other's boundaries.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread