AITA for not splitting rent with my boyfriend?

Oh I never expect him to do the chores. I do whatever chores that pop up in the day, so he never comes home to a dirty house (maybe the odd unwashed dish or two) but never completely unclean.

In terms of our “splitting” of chores, it’s more like after dinner (on a workday) sometimes he washes the dishes when I’m busy with something else rather than him insisting that I do “all the chores” since he is working. Or he takes out the trash when he sees it’s full instead of asking me to do it. Obviously I take care of the chores as they come up during the day when he’s at work.

In terms of a “full deep cleaning”, we do it once a week during the weekend together and it’s become our own routine.

But thank you, I’ll definitely do more to show my appreciation of what he does.

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