AITA for not tipping?

NTA. I’m European, I remember going to the US and not tipping anywhere because we don’t do that in my country (and people who do tip, tip like 50 cents, 1€ maximum and only if the waiters are incredibly nice). I had a bunch of Americans calling me ignorant in the middle of a restaurant for not tipping, after the waiter came to my table to demand an “explanation” on why I didn’t tip. I didn’t even understand why “tip” was an option in my bill. Then someone informed very rudely while whining that waiters earn very little and foreigners like me are always extremely rude, disrespectful and should be banned. I shrugged my shoulders, laughed said in my native language “not my problem, fuck you.” And left the restaurant. Tipping culture is so weird, I already pay for my food I don’t have to pay whoever serving me? That’s their job? The business should pay them not the client?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread