AITA for not waking up with baby in the middle of the night, when I work and my wife doesn’t?

I've been in a similar situation, my partner works and when I had my baby I got 9 months maternity (ended up with extra sick time for PPD). He never got up to do feeds and still doesn't, we agreed to this but there have been times I've reacted in a similar way. There were nights I desperately needed someone else to deal with this tiny human. I never voiced it properly due to sleep deprivation and frustration that I was failing as a parent. My partner is incredible, he provides for us and would have helped if I'd have asked instead of screaming at him. It's difficult to actually say you need help sometimes, I'd definitely go NAH. Being a new parent is tough, communication helped us. Hopefully it'll help you both too!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread