AITA for not wanting to pay for my step son's friend to come on our family vacation?

YTA 100%

1) How much of your own money have you put towards this trip? It sounds like you do not work at all. “Homemaker” just sounds like you’re unemployed and using your husbands money. It’s his money, not “our” money, you didn’t work for it.

2) “normal” teenager... you and your daughter sound like the vile horrible creatures that caused me so much trauma in my childhood.

3) reading your replies to other people you said you tried reading one of the books, but it was too dense.... no wonder you have to trap a guy with money in marriage, you sound dumb af.

4) hobbiton is rad, your poor husband should leave you and your spoilt brat daughter at home and have an amazing trip without

5) I hope for the child’s sake a divorce is the the near future you evil, vile thing.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread