AITA for not wanting to walk my partner's dog?

Nta. I'm not a pet person. I love animals I just don't want the responsibility of one. I already have enough to do.My family has 2 dogs and a cat. I dont scoop poop indoors or out. I dont take them for walks (similar issue to yours medical issues controlling a leash is very painful) They are the responsibility of my husband and children. That was the deal when we got them. If my family was sick then yes I would tend to the animals but on a daily basis I do the bare minimum. Whenever I'm asked to "contribute more" because the petowners in my house decide they dont feel like it my response is Not my pets not my job. I'd advise you to be more clear and adamant next time (and yes there will be a next time). I admit I'm an AH and tell my family constantly that if the animals aren't tended to lovingly and appropriately I will rehome them. Bottom line is it's your partners dog and his responsibility and forcing you to walk the dog is a potentially dangerous situation given your medical issues. Your partners is a major AH to you and the dog

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread