AITA for not wanting to give my sister back her child after taking full custody for 5 years?

Yeah, I didn’t see this op lawyer bestie in her post, and no, I’m not gonna read all 600+ comments to find every detail. You cont to make assumptions, because, and I’ll make an assumption, you are really hurt that I’m saying op ita. Even if op has a beat friend lawyer that doesn’t change the fact that I think op ita. The sister had mental health problems, it’s not like she was a criminal or drug addict. I’m gonna reserve my right to have compassion for the mom in this situation. My opinion is you shouldn’t try to keep your niece from her mom, that’s just not a good thing in my book. Here is my other assumption, since that is what we are doing here, if you keep a child from their biological parent, then and they will grow up to resent you

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent