You are paid $1,000,000 a year to sit in an empty room for 8 hours a day. What do you do all day?

Edit: Seems like some of you are keen on insulting my abilities and ambition based on what I do for work. Instead of being judgmental dickheads, how about you consider the fact that everyone experiences a life different from your own? I'm 22, have no kids and no car, and 31k a year is a solid rate to sustain my lifestyle. Just because I'm content with my current station in life does not mean I don't set goals for my future. Sure, things could certainly be better but how many of you can't say that about your own lives? I also think it's funny how many of you are saying 31k is a bad wage when income is relative. People making more than you would say that your wage is shit, too.

The only STEM I know of did not work out well for a lot of people. A lot of innocent people died in horrible sick and twisted ways, and then the mentally deranged psycho managed to posess another mentally unstabled person's body, escape out of the STEM and probably wreak havoc in the real world.

Or something.

Am I thinking about the wrong STEM?

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent