AITA for “overreacting” to my parents threatening to throw me out?

@op just wondering what your surgery entails (without meaning to be controversial or pry too much) was it something that could be considered by less open minded folks to be 'elective' like top surgery or something or was it something in their eyes that was 'not 'elective' like spinal fusion? I'm not here thinking any one is more valid than the other, both are urgent and hugely important for well-being, just wondering if that could be where some of their vitriol comes from if it was leaning closer towards the former? Or if they have a history of just being awful in general? Also feel free not to disclose I am not trying to cause any harm and I'm just a stranger. Your medical history is no one but yours. Either way, whatever the case, you are NTA SO HARD your parents are. I hope you can get some of your friends to rally hard for you, I hope you get your cats back ASAP, and I hope you never have to receive such abismal 'support' from your family ever again. I'm no stranger to surgeries (big one again upcoming June 1) and I can't imagine going through what you are. If you want me to send a card or some snacks or something dm me where to send :) it sucks when people who are supposed to be in your court turn on you when you need it most.

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