AITA for “punishing” my 14 yr old daughter when she hasn’t done anything wrong?

YTA. When I was around your daughters age, my parents wouldn’t let me see a few of my friends for similar reasons. I hadn’t necessarily done anything wrong but they weren’t the best influence. At that time, I couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t let me see them. This went on for months and I cannot express how much I resented them for it. I felt like I was being punished for no reason and I tried my best to not introduce my friends to them after because I didn’t want them freaking out again.

My parents did eventually let me see that particular group of friends. While we did remain friends for a while, I eventually stopped talking to them once I figured out there weren’t really being good friends. I wish my parents had sat me down and taught me how to develop healthy boundaries and talked to me about whatever concerns they had. It would’ve been a whole lot better ‘you can’t see them because i said so’.

My parents also work insane hours but after this incident, they’d plan ahead for whatever we’re doing as a family and just let me know that we’re doing X as a family on this day as long as I don’t have anything important (i.e academic/extracurricular stuff) happening. This worked for us because I felt like I was being treated like an adult and my parents didn’t feel like I was spending too much time away from home/family.

I’m super sleep deprived so I’m not entirely sure if this makes sense but it’s just my personal experience

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread