AITA For refusing to sell the land my daughter inherited from her dad to pay for my stepson's surgery?

I know money is tight, but you need to get to an estate planner now if you haven't already and get this land into a trust for your daughter. Because if not, they are likely to guilt her into selling it as soon as she turns 18 or, if it is in your name, divorcing you and demanding half of it (I know that depends on what state you are in if Josh can do that or not, but you should find that out.)

My husband and I set up a family trust after a situation in his family that a family property worth millions was lost following a second marriage and a lack of a will drawn up by his grandfather. We wanted to ensure whatever we have together goes to the children produced by our marriage. I know the words estate planning and family trust sound like the words of the rich, but it cost us less than $600 and for anyone that owns property, it is worth the money.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread