AITA for sticking up for an ex instead of my girlfriend?

ESH. You’re not an asshole, but the way you handled this wasn’t wise either. She asked if she should be worried about anyone there (NOT if you’ve slept someone there-past partners aren’t automatically a threat to the relationship), and you gave her an answer that sounded like a long, detailed “yes”. Right after she got that answer, she went to a party where she met her boyfriend’s much older friends for the first time, which is a nervous situation in and of itself. Now, the party also includes the subject of that “yes”. And since you guys are long distance, it’s likely that this was a once in a while time you had to see each other, which she probably was looking forward to for a while and imagined that it would be magical. Instead, it sucked majorly, which had to have felt almost heartbreaking.

Your girlfriend didn’t do the right thing; her behavior was inappropriate. But she didn’t exactly do the unexpected thing either. It’s likely she drank the alcohol in the hopes that she’d calm down, but the opposite happened.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread