AITA for the "strict" schedule I have my kids on?

Um NTA for everything other than the mile thing… that’s a bit extreme. But the rest sounds like my summer vacations growing up and it was literally no big deal. Those who are saying that the 15 year-old is being forced to play parent are being extreme. The pool is not that big of a deal if the parents have done their jobs as parents and have explained the dangers of messing around in the pool. I was left alone with my siblings during the summers starting at age 12. There is a 5 year age gap between me and my youngest sibling. It literally was not a big deal. We also got a pool the summer I turned 15. It was explained to us that messing around was dangerous and that we were not to swim alone. We were all put into swimming lessons when we were young and are all strong swimmers. Nothing ever happened because we all took the pool seriously. Some parents both have to work and can’t afford to pay for childcare for that amount of time. Not every parent is abusing their children guys, save CPS for the real issues, which unfortunately are quite prevalent. The mile thing is weird though dude. Exercise and being generally active is important. Forcing your kid into a timed mile everyday seems a bit overkill though, especially for the 8 year old. Other than that I think your fine.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread