AITA for telling my newly pregnant girlfriend that she needs to consider my opinion on whether to keep the baby?

Sorry but it’s not just her choice.

He is the father and like you literally just said having unprotected sex requires two people. She made that choice too with her knowing the potentially consequences.

Now because she has decided she wants to be a parent, this guy gets stuck in that as well. His choice has been removed and he is now on the line for a kid he doesn’t want.

Sure he doesn’t need to be a part of the kids life but if he pays child support he will be and it will be something that effects him too.

Yes it’s her body and her choice. But it’s also his life as well and because of this, he doesn’t get any choice and will potentially end up having a child connected to him for the rest of his life, which is a big thing.

This is a super complicated situation and not an easy one.

But yeah completely disagree it’s just her choice. This is something that effects them both and so both sides she get a solid say in this. But sounds like both people in this situation are stubborn and not wanting to listen to the other and both freaking out in their own ways.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent