Jagex admits name was 'taken' & won't return

What are you eve talking about? You can recover your account if you don’t have a bank pin or authenticator. You are a fool to think otherwise.

This man has his account, he just has a different display name. His name was one that might be seen as “sought after”. Also there is a market for people that want to purchase these usernames. This means that rolling back this change could potentially put some random poor sod out of his money he just paid for his new display name, just because this guy didn’t use an authenticator. This is potentially one of the reasons that they don’t return lost items. It can be liquidated into real world money.

This isn’t even the main reason they won’t give his name back. The main reason is that the account owner is at fault here. If his name was really this important to him, don’t you think he would take the 3 minutes that it takes to setup an authenticator? He could have prevented this entire situation from even occurring.

I’m sure that if authenticators did not exist, then Jagex would have a different stance on this case, There would be no way to prevent an account from being compromised. But the thing is that they do exist. It doesn’t matter if you think that someone “has to” use an authenticator. The reality is that you don’t. But at the same time, don’t go crying to Jagex because you didn’t. They can always give your account back, but that doesn’t mean that it’s in the same condition as it was before.

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