AITA for telling my pregnant wife that there is pretty much not a single circumstance where I would choose saving the baby over saving her?

When I was pregnant with my 3 year old son I would repeatedly put my passport in the freezer and forget that I had put it there, for no apparent reason.

So my day consisted of;

wake up, cry, be sick, eat something, be sick, cry, go to my kitchen drawer and get my passport, cry, be sick, put my passport in the freezer, ((((get daughter to school - go to work - road rage)))), get home, cry, be sick, eat dinner, ask for icecream, husband ask why my passport is in the freezer. Me- shrug. Sleep. this is a rough guestimation.

It wasn't every day that id do random things, but it happened a lot. No idea why. I also had to carry my daughters birth certificate around for a while after he was born because my kids have a different surname to me and dont look particularly like me but thats a whole other thing. (It was Ppd)

Honestly pregnancy is the biggest trip of homones and emotions i've ever been on.

I imagine if someone took my hormone level i would be somewhere in between an angsty teen and a fully paid up member of steroids-Ŕ-us, add to that another child and protect this the baby at all costs and work and thats a whole heap of crazy. Id cry at leaves falling or my toast not being evenly browned.

In short when dealing with ANY pregnant women (doesnt matter how reasonable they appear or how reasonable they were in the past), ask what the question was they asked again (so it makes it look like youre really having to think about it) and then ask how the pregnant woman would like you to react. Anything other than that is going to get you into shit.

Also, Pregnancy is also a beautiful thing.

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