AITA for telling my wife we shouldn’t call 911 every time our daughter has a seizure?

NTA. Honestly as someone who just got licensed as an EMT, what we would do is keep her airway open so she doesn't choke, especially on her tongue, make sure she doesn't fall or hurt herself and get her to a safe space, take vitals, etc. A lot of people who have seizures have some sense that it's coming, sometimes minutes in advance. Talk to your daughter about cues, and try to take things on her terms. Ask her if she sees colors, lights, or auras, if she starts to get tunnel vision, etc. But really let her lead the conversation as best as she can. Oddly enough, dogs are sometimes pretty good at picking up on this and some will try to let you know....they care about their hooman after all. Then we'd collect information and get her to the hospital to get evaluated. Now since it's febrile, it can be a bit less predictable, but still if she's running a high fever you shouldn't rule it out, and perhaps even consider that the "crescendo" of it for the time being. It's typically the only one, but again, another one isn't impossible, so keep that in mind.

Now I'm not saying don't call 911 if you think there's a serious threat to the life and health of your child. For the love of God, if you think something is wrong, do it. I would much rather be a bit inconvenienced as opposed to having to deal with something that's actually a serious issue, and you'd be amazed at how many people with serious issues don't call until the last minute because, "I didn't want to bother you guys!"

That said, there's not a whole lot we can honestly do beyond what I described; and aside from diagnosing some underlying condition causing it, not a lot that most hospitals can do either aside from keep a close watch and ensure their safety. if you think this is a normal/regular occurrence, and keep in mind that febrile seizures are far more common in children than adults, get your daughter to a safe area where she can't hurt herself during the seizure, make sure she's breathing okay and she isn't choking, take note of how far apart the seizures are if there's more than one, and if you have reason to believe something is wrong or abnormal, then fucking call 911.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread