AITA for telling my daughter I won’t pay for a degree that offends my values?

I’m gonna say NTA but only because I think her end goal to be an activist is goofy. I think women’s studies is fine, but she can do SO much more than just “be an activist.” Plus, many times, careers after you graduate flop. If she researches more careers that women’s studies opens doors to, then more power to her. I say NTA because I think you truly have good intentions and just want her to be able to find a paying career. Unfortunately you can’t control her and if this falls through the cracks, all you can do is be there to catch her. I also think she probably wants to escape engineering because it is extremely difficult.

Might I add, there are many things she can do to combine her love for activism and her ability in math. Like data science or statistics. Where she can provide facts to back up her words. And since she wants to apply them to women’s studies she could double major or minor in one of them. Good luck

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread