AITA for telling my mom not to speak to me until she pays back 7 years of rent?

I am not the favorite child at home – quite the opposite. My mother has caused me a lot of physical & psychological trauma over the past almost two decades from intense beatings, harmful words, etc. I suffer from PTSD now because of it, and have had depression for as long as I could remember (all diagnosed by professionals – ones that my mom refused to let me see, until I was 18 and could seek help myself). I tried to talk to my mom several times about her treatment, but that would just make her angrier and more harmful treatment would ensue. However, it was not until she finally went through depression that she had a glimpse of what my life has been and felt bad enough to give me an apology.

I never went completely no contact with her (the longest I went without talking to her was a month or so when she was physically trying to kill me and I left for my own safety) because I couldn’t – she’s my mom. I was raised in America, but my family is not of American descent, so going no contact with family is TRULY a last resort.

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