AITA for telling my (30F) GF (27F) she does not have a real job

Big 4 CPA here, YTA x1000. People like you are the reason we work shit hours. Working 55+ hours a week shouldn’t be glorified and it doesn’t in anyway make you better than your gf. She makes good money in a career she enjoys, and has time for hobbies. I dream of that life and plan to leave B4 as soon as possible. Wealth is not everything, and yes, you are a snob since you think you’re so much better than her “broke artist” friends who are doing something they’re actually passionate about. Try to tell me you’re passionate about audit? No one in the history of this profession can ever say that and mean it. Money and career progression is not everything, and you’ve let it poison your relationship.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread