AITA for telling my friend to f*ck off and that I don’t care for their apology

YTA, yeah.

You weren't in the wrong for reacting poorly to that, and the way you're being treated sounds like grounds to be pissed. The reaction you had isn't normal to something you consider an often occurrence though, and blowing your cool like that before discussing or walking away is an immature move.

The rest of your info sounds like you're listing justifications, but you don't HAVE to let them into your space, especially if they're acting that way, and you shouldn't call them a friend if everything you've said is true.

My best friend of 5 years dropped contact with me one week before we planned to go out for drinks, and we haven't seen one another since. No reason, just poof. You don't need to blow up on anyone to be treated with respect and maintain your boundaries.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread