AITA for telling my brother he has nobody to blame but himself for our dad being cold to him?

Especially over the fact that it was something you did that led to the situation at hand.

he had divorce papers. that doesnt mean he wanted to use them yet. what if he was holding out hope? what if he was fixing it? he couldve had them there for ages, and the kid threw that out the window.

yeah, the kid shouldnt be ghosted or blamed as harshly as he is, but the dad didnt do this, the kid did. he made it happen where there was no choice or discussion. the dad wouldve spoken to the mum, its their convo that needs to be had.

kids make mistakes, and he made a big one here. im not saying he should ghost the kid this hard, he shouldnt obviously. but i dont blame the dad for being pissy. this is a big thing that will take a long time to heal from. he should talk to the kid absolutely. why does everyone think i agree with him ghosting his kid? i dont. i just feel for the guy.

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