AITA for telling my girlfriend to go and ask to be adopted by the couple she is so obsessed with?

I have to say that I don't really agree with the comments calling you TA. Really, it is her responsibility as an adult human being to communicate her needs directly instead of hinting and never being clear. She can't expect things to change if she never speaks up, frankly, this is a very childish thing to do of her. And maybe this is too subjective, but I completely get your reaction after it happened numerous times and you were already exhausted. Nobody is delighted to hear about some random couple's perfect relationship from their partner. Also, I wanna add, you should NEVER EVER, under no circumstances, start a relationship with someone you actively want to change in substantial ways. There's a difference between acknowledging and being bothered by tiny flaws in your partners way of living and being straight up not able to look up to them and be proud of them. You were just not the right person for her if she actually felt this way, she should've ditched every "effort" to change you into a version that suited her better and just left you earlier, you would both have profited from this. You can be quite glad that it's over, this does not sound like a healthy situation to be in

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread