AITA for wanting to wear high heels at my wedding despite my fiance's objection?

ESH but YTA. I’m no shorty But i have a story that can relate one day my girl bought some pants that’s looked too good for my comfort (and yes I’m talking about pants like slacks) and I voiced my opinion he first reaction “you don’t need to be insecure” I said in the past 3 years I’ve never commented on what you wear my 1st time voicing my feelings is not an indication of insecurity” for a week we went back and forth until our friend came to visit us from out of state she’s a psychiatrist and my girl mentioned the issue we were having knowing our friend is a hardcore feminist all about women empowerment she thought our friend would side with her but our friend made a comment that completely shook me and her that I did not see coming she said and I quote “Your inability to show empathy towards your partners feelings are an indication of a deeper issue from past a relationship rather than him being insecure if you are ABLE to compromise but are refusing to do so the issue is with you” my gf being a smart ass said “well why can’t he compromise” and our friend responded with “you can change pants, he can’t changes his feelings”

Basically what I’m trying to say is you can change your heels he can’t change his height. I understand it’s your wedding but seeing as this is the person you’re marrying why wouldn’t you be kind enough to compromise with him you know this is an issue he’s been dealing with it’s not something new yeah fuck him for involving his mom but c’mon you’re arguing over heels something YOU can change.

I’ll leave you with this, pretty bold of you to assume you’ll last longer than 10 minutes in heels at your weeding do yourself and him the favor and wear flats. Either way I wish you the best of luck and many more wonderful years of marriage ❤️

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread