Alabama man off death row after 28 years to jailers: You will answer to God

I live in a place where murders are unlikely but do happen (Vancouver BC), though once I did see police going door to door. I could see it out the front window. I just didn't answer the door. I had an officer try to frame me for resisting arrest, he roughed me up a bit, threw me around, I was hand cuffed for absolutely no reason.

He pulled over the car I was a passenger in and I couldn't produce ID. There was no ticket handed out, there was nothing anyone did wrong. I gave him my name. He didn't believe I didn't have ID on me, he forcibly removed me from the vehicle. It was a jeep, I was front passenger so it's easier than it sounds.

He let me go about 20 minutes later, just before throwing me in the car. The only reason he let me go is I looked up and saw the red flashing light. The driver was still there and not being arrested for nothing. I told her to call my lawyer, by name, and make sure she's at the station asap because I want that tape, and I want it by the morning for the AM news cycle. He tried to take the phone from the driver, yelling verbal threats at both of us, etc.

He let me go though, within 10 seconds of the words leaving my mouth and told me to leave and I seem like a smart person so I should be smarter than to not listen to police and bring this on myself.

Anyways, I have an actual fear of police now. I saw them going door to door in my neighborhood, as a law abiding citizen, and just didn't go to the door.

I did follow up on this cop by the way, wrote the mayor, called his watch commander, etc. Bullshit from all of them, they said he felt I was disrupting the peace. As a passenger in a car, being driven home from McDonald's by my girlfriend, both of us sober, not speeding, no loud music, no dangerous driving. Nothing.

I saw him about 2 years later, apparently he's a high school laison and was joking with some kids in a subway. I got so mad on seeing him, I went up and said hi, and inserted myself in the group and said roughly, "hey this police officer right now is being your friend, but this is a man that hand cuffed me, assaulted me, and threatened me, because I didn't have a driver's license on me, when I wasn't driving. He is a criminal, a bully and a thug. He's joking with you now to earn your trust. Do not trust him, he is not a good person, he is a bad man and a criminal."

I was pretty calm, the kids are all stunned, dude is purple, literally turning purple. Grabs me by the jacket, pulls me outside and starts screaming at me, then goes I remember who you are, etc. Jabbing me with his finger.

I took my phone out and called 911. It de escalated pretty quickly, more police come, same department but this cop is going insane, so they miraculously calm him down and tell him to leave. It was a very public place. They ask the kids what happen to confirm my story, and he was pretty fucking close to assault again, forcibly dragging me (I'm not small, 6'0 /180, I didn't resist but still takes a bit to drag me out of a store) tried to take my phone when I was calling 911. I said I wanted an apology from him or I'll insist on charges and with like 11 people as witnesses it'll go to the news.

They had his partner call me and apologize. He was there the initial night. He said the guy got out of hand but all police aren't like that and I antagonized him unfairly at subway. I said he's just as bad, he stood by and watched. And he did that first night, he wasnt there at the subway. I told him he is standing by watching a crime, and if he doesn't stop those kinds of thing he is allowing it, and he is evil by association. He was calm and nice, I accepted his quasi apology.

Fuck the police though, this is a Canadian cop in a fairly upscale area and this is the type of shit going on. I can't imagine being in a poor area, or being a minority.

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