Alabama Senate approves replacing marriage licenses with contracts

Alabama is deliberately changing or eliminating EXISTING LAWS to avoid having to provide marriage licenses to same-sex couples. That is the stated purpose of these laws. That is precisely why Alabama will lose in the federal courts.

You think a federal court won't allow Alabama to adopt a univeral domestic contract regime because gays want to be called "married"? lol gtfo that's delusional

The relevant legal question is this... How will the State of Alabama respond to people who were legally married in another state, who then move to Alabama?

Why would they have to?

If Alabama recognizes those marriages coming in from out of state as being legally valid, while only recognizing marriages occurring within the borders of Alabama as merely being some form of generic contract, that would constitute a clear example of yet another "Separate But Equal" application of the laws, thereby setting up another losing judicial battle for Alabama in the federal courts.

If Alabama does not have a legal marriage, why would they recognize marriages in other states?

Finally, if those Alabama contracts still fully qualify as marriages, legally equivalent in name and form to any other civil marriages occurring in any other state, then this law has only changed the manner and the state agency in which Alabama residents file those marriages with the state, essentially accomplishing nothing.

It got the state out of the marriage business, and the gay marriage business.

No. It supports the reality that you have no absolutely clue what the LGBTQ community either wants and deserves.

Obviously I know what they want. And they are getting what they deserve.

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