Alaskan glaciers melting 100 times faster than previously thought

Most people who talk like you really don't do much at all, it's all talk. Hopeful but not helpful, but also keyboard warriors who self-inflate their egos thinking they actually do anything that matters in this context.

Literally everything you do contributes to the heat output destroying this planet. Every phone you buy, every TV you buy, every electronic gadget or toy is just more consumption of precious resources and shit that will end up in a landfill somewhere, or somewhere in the ocean. Every single time you charge your phone, turn on your TV, use electricity - you are contributing to the heat output. If you don't eat vegan sourced from local farms then you are a HUGE contributor. Every chicken breast or burger that was sourced from halfway across the country (or across the world) is more damage that could be avoided if you really wanted to.

Every mile you drive in your vehicle - more damage.

If you really wanted to fight then you would greatly limit all the electronics you use. You would only buy a new phone when you absolutely need it (not just because it's a little slow or you want a new toy). You would only eat locally sourced foods and greatly limit your meat consumption. You'd ride a bike to work, you would only use your air conditioner when you absolutely need it, etc etc. You would genuinely do everything within your power to reduce your carbon footprint.

Chances are VERY high you don't really do much or any of this. You probably consume just like the vast majority of us. You probably drive when you could have walked, you probably have a whole host of electronic gadgets and toys, you probably don't only eat local sourced foods. Chances are you contribute to climate change just as much as the rest of us, but chances are you convince yourself to have warm-fuzzies about your "ideal" self who would actually fight to make a serious difference, but much like someone who cannot commit to going to a gym to lose weight, that ideal version of you is at some arbitrary point in the future, and not now.

Not saying this with 100% certainty because I don't know you, but chances are.

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