All Cops Are Racist Sacks Of Pig Shit

Yes. But America also has a MASSIVE problem with crime and violence. Baltimore alone for example has 67 times the murder rate of London.

While not perfect, the police here are just the scapegoat for all the failures of society. Like, I was born overseas and our police have the legal right and tools to crack skulls. Yet somehow nobody hates them and our crimes are much much lower.

I also think it's a cultural thing here, where regardless of skin color, certain demographics don't like following the laws; which then escalates to an altercation. Once the altercation begins, people start recording, so it becomes cop bad situation.

For obvious reasons to the rest of us on earth, harassing a police officer is often considered a felony. Not to mention, a cop would be able to sue me for defamation, if I posted unsubstantiated shit like we see in this sub, from just one viewpoint.

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